Lakeview Band
Director Bands
James O'Connell
9800 Youngman Rd
Lakeview, MI 48850
989-352-7221 ex 1407

Facts About the Lakeview Band Program:
- The Lakeview High School Band appeared in a commercial for Nickelodeon.
- The Lakeview High School Band has marched from the northern part of our country, Mackinac City, to its most southern part including Universal Studios and Epcot Center in Orlando, Florida.
- The Lakeview High School Band has been on television twice.
- Lakeview has had students play in the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Grand Valley State University, Ferris State University, Central Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University, Spring Arbor College, Adrian College, Saginaw Valley State University and Hope College bands.
- Lakeview band members have performed in Japan, China, Tawain and Hawaii.
- The Lakeview Jazz Band has two CDs.
- The Lakeview High School Band has marched in the Michigan State University Stadium in front of 78,000 people.
- The Lakeview High School Band has performed the National Anthem for the Detroit Tigers.
The Lakeview Bands are proud of their tradition and the roles they play in the Lakeview community area. The bands continue to delight audiences with innovative and entertaining shows. Each year the bands perform in many area parades including the Lakeview Summerfest Parade, Trufant Jubilee, as well as the Memorial Day Parades in Lakeview and Coral. The bands perform in four to five concerts for their parents and community members. The high school band can be seen marching at all the home varsity football games as well as providing a pep band for both the girls' and boys' varsity basketball games. The bands participate in the following MSBOA activites: Solo and Ensemble, Band and Orchestra